| 1. | This is achieved by using value 1 value 2 & last value.
| 2. | "You can talk about the use value of art, " he said.
| 3. | It is a perfect combined spatial form of cultural symbol and use value.
| 4. | However, value does not mean anything unless it conjoins back to use value.
| 5. | People started to use value-neutral term'International marriage children'or'children of international marriage immigrants '.
| 6. | The most commonly used values of alpha are . 05 or . 01.
| 7. | This has affected how analysts who use Values Modes view politics.
| 8. | Between 1931 and 1933, nine lesser-used values of the Ceres stamps were surcharged.
| 9. | However, using values other than " n " improves the estimator in various ways.
| 10. | Continuous improvement ( CI ) is motivated and tracked using value stream performance boards.